Saturday, January 29, 2022

Sketches by Gloria Poole,RN of Springfield Missouri

Watercolor sketch drawn,painted,signed,photographed,uploaded,posted,copyrighted by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist,writer,cartoonist, author,photographer,mother,white, unmarried woman, U S citizen, of Springfield Missouri. Copyright: I, Gloria Poole, own all copyrights under U S, E U and U K laws to all art I have drawn/painted/sketched/created in any medium or on any surface with any tool/brush/pen/pencil/method or technique whether or not I signed it [Some of my preliminary sketches that I later painted into oil paintings, that I texted to show were ripped off from my phones in transist] and whether or not I have photographed them or publicly displayed them. I have been very busy the past few months " upgrading" phones that worked great to "smartphones" that don't work so great because of illegal coercion of carrier and have not created as much art. I have been too distracted in other words.

And I have realized that displaying art on the web may not be in my best interest because the web is very insecure. That is not accidental. All big computer manufacturers pay hackers to break into their computers/tablets/smartphones etc. And not meager sums either--huge amounts of rewards for breaking into computers are paid out by the Microsoft,Apple,Google, companies. So until that behaviour is stopped by U S F.T.C and or the S. E. C. as not being in the best interest in the long run of investors in those companies, it seems almost futile to try to secure computers or networks. Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole /gloria0817/ gpoole817/ Poole,Gloria/ Ms Gloria Poole/ gloria-poole/ gloria.poole/ gloriapoole.RN; Springfield Missouri, 29 Jan 2022, 6:23am. Scroll down page for a selfie of me this year and my hand-written notice of copyright.

Selfie. Copyright. Gloria Poole, Copyright Notice: I, Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse/artist/writer/blogger/cartoonist/author/white/ woman/U S citizen/unmarried/ own all copyrights in U S, E U and U K laws to all art I ever created in any place, at any time, with any medium/tool/brush/graphics/canvas/board/paper/ink/pencil/paint; for any reason; whether or not I photographed it and whether or not I uploaded it and whether or not I displayed it publicly anywhere; and I own all rights to photographs I photograph with any camera/ smartphone/feature phone/ tablet and to all memory cards I bought and use in my devices; and to my real born with name and to my signature that I sign on art as simply Gloria in script, usually with the year and or full date included. See my hand written notice below photos. Copyright. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole /gloriapoole.RN/ gloria0817/ gpoole817/ Ms Gloria Poole/ Poole,Gloria/ ; 25Jan2022;8:51am

Chrysanthemum sketch painted by me, signed by me in year 2017. Re-posted just because its bright and cheerful! Copyright. Gloria Poole /gloriapoole

My hand-written Copyright. All rights reserved to me Gloria Poole gloriapoole , of Springfield Missouri, 29Jan2022, 6:45am.

Also, I have updated other blogs of mine also including, with some medical photos w/ art I created


and other blogs of mine on other platforms also. Each blog is different since I create them one by one at different times for different purposes. Hopefully a viewer will take the time to see all art I created and dispalyed recently and or read all words I have written also.

Posted today 29th Jan 2022 at 6:40am by me Gloria Poole,RN,artist of /in Springfield Missouri, using my own computer, my own router, my own wired internet tha comes into my own apartment and my own art and photography and i.t. skills to post this.