Saturday, June 8, 2024

Lil Squirrel and Peacock I drew and painted by Gloria Poole,RN,artist of Republic MO

I drew this with watercolor pencils on paper, signed it, dated it, put my town on it, photographed it, sent it for me to upload, and Copyright it. Gloria Poole/gloriapoole/gloria0817/gpoole817/gloriapoole.RN of Republic Missouri; 8Jun2024; 4:43pm

Copyright. Gloria Poole,RN, artist, Republic MO; 8Jun2024;4:45pm

I wrote and signed this Copyright Notice. Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist; Republic MO; 8Jun2024; 4:46pm

Selfie of me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist; Republic Missouri; Copyright Notice applies.

I have other blogs also and each is different.

My other blogs are:; where I also post #art I create and words I write;; my #publichealth blog I create as Registered Nurse;; quotes of #Celebrities that think #motherhood is best thing ever happened to them; my #gospel sharing blog from The King James Holy Bible to try to restore righteousness to these so-called "United" States,; where I post my ideas for new inventions, poems, essays etc, here I posted the children's story I wrote and illustrated and titled "The Adventures of Lady Bugs that Give Picnics"

Here are the news snippets that interest me

The Hill says U S govt asks secretly for censorship of citizens:

Quote:"These governments, including the EU, and U.S. federal government agencies have built or are building organization infrastructure to make content removal requests. These government agencies expect their requests will not be made public and the social media platforms will quietly comply as directed to avoid facing regulatory, legal or financial consequences from these government entities."...

Requests should : "This would include specific explanations to users affected by content enforcement actions — including exact content rules broken, exact content that broke such rules and any third-party fact-checkers involved. It would also include quarterly reports detailing all enforcement actions (including hidden de-amplify actions); content rules broken; the actual specific types of content affected; all government requests (excepting actual national security or law enforcement requests); and public entities or figures affected without harming privacy of non-public individual users.";


Does NY Times think Civil War is happening in US?;


A.P. found 2,000 U S companies being forced outa business:

Quote: "An Associated Press analysis found their numbers have soared to nearly 7,000 publicly traded companies around the world — 2,000 in the United States alone — whiplashed by years of piling up cheap debt followed by stubborn inflation that has pushed borrowing costs to decade highs....

Already, the number of U.S. companies going bankrupt has hit a 14-year high, a surge expected in a recession, not an expansion. Corporate bankruptcies have also recently hit highs of nearly a decade or more in Canada, the U.K., France and Spain.";


Dr Ben Carson's book "The Perilous fight" also says no fault divorce has done great damage to American families and should be undone:

"Carson’s book broadly advocates for a return to traditional, conservative family values. In addition to his push to end no-fault divorce, he calls for a national ban on abortion, men to “assume the responsibility of leadership” in families and cuts to welfare for single mothers in order to encourage marriage".;


A business father podcast to encourage men to take fatherhood seriously:P> Quote: " Presented by Realm, Ohanian's new podcast features the entrepreneur asking some of the most influential men in business, sports, entertainment, and other bustling industries the question, “How do you balance being a dad with a successful career?”

The father of two says he appreciates how the conversation around men as active, participating fathers is shifting and that talking about family life "makes us better at our careers."

"Ask any working mom and they've had to learn to deal with this balance and thrive within it for a very long time," he says, nodding to previous dated notions about parenting being done primarily by moms."

"I really feel like there's an opportunity here to normalize a different kind of masculinity, frankly. It's seven years now since I've become a dad and I truly didn't think the timing could be better. The bar was so incredibly low for men, especially notable men. Even if you claimed your child, that was considered like you were doing something. In reality, I think we should be talking about the guys who are stepping up and doing the work for their legacy," he notes.

" s://;


Duke of Westminster wedding 7Jun2024:

World War 3 has started says The Telegraph:

"Quote: "Take a step back, and it looks as if the Third World War has started already. It just doesn’t look like the conflict we thought it would be. Rather than a shooting war, we are seeing intense strategic competition. No country can compete with the USA and Nato on the battlefield, so instead our enemies are trying to defeat us through economic and cultural means without firing a shot....

Through buying influence and soaking Western media in disinformation designed to demoralise and undermine support for military action, these countries have subverted our democracies, media, and academic institutions, with the aim of building support in the West and destroying our will to fight....

These conflicts have been noticed around the world. But for over a decade, our enemies have been using influence, a weapon equipped with a silencer, to fire the opening shots in a global conflict—and we have only just noticed. With all eyes on Normandy, the Third World War is closer than we realise: we are already fighting it.";


Southern Baptists to uphold Bible teaching on who should be Pastors, Ministers and Priests:

"the Baptist Faith and Message, which says the office of pastor is "limited to men as qualified by Scripture."

"If we won't stand on this issue and be unapologetically biblical, then we won't stand on anything," said amendment proponent Mike Law, pastor of Arlington Baptist Church in Virginia.";


{My comment: The Holy Bible does include GOD's instructions about who can be Priests, Pastors and Ministers and they are men only and not divorced men and men that GOD selected.]

N Dakota not to allow mutilation of children for sex purposes:


A community ritual to celebrate a miscarried baby in womb is acknowledged and mourned in country of Columbia, per news:;

A ritual to celebrate the life of babies in the womb is first i have read of this .


Conviction of Trump like Ft Sumter attack in Civil war: declaration of war :

"...When the news of the Trump verdict came over the car radio, I almost had to pull over. My thought was: “This is Fort Sumter.” Just as when the South decided to shell a Northern-held fort in 1861, it felt like the no-turning-back, first shot fired in an inevitable civil war.....

I wasn’t psychologically prepared for a conviction in New York because the case should never have been brought; tampering business records shouldn’t have been linked to election influence; and Stormy Daniels should never have given testimony irrelevant to the case....

By comparing 2024 to the civil war of 1861-65, I risk not only hyperbole but sacrilege, for the great cause of slavery abolition is absent – and the conflict is more difficult to define than Confederate v Union. But it is rural v urban, blue-collar v educated, Christian v secular, with issues – such as abortion or immigration – that determine identity and defy compromise. The two parts of the nation hate each other.

"The Telegraph" news, 2 June2024

Quote : "View of Trump unchanged by verdict says CBS Poll":'


Quote: " ‘No way out without bloodshed’: the right believe the US is under threat and are mobilizing"

Election will be "..biggest political backfire in history"...

Make baby-killing drugs regulated like a class 2 narcotic:

Quote:"Washington — Louisiana became the first state to classify two abortion-inducing medications as controlled substances, making possession of the pills without a prescription a crime. 

Gov. Jeff Landry, a Republican, signed legislation that reclassifies misoprostol and mifepristone — a two-step regimen used to terminate early pregnancies — as Schedule IV drugs into law on Friday after it passed the state legislature earlier this week. 

The measure puts the drugs in the same category as opioids, depressants and other drugs that can be addictive, making them harder to obtain".;


Scientist Geo Whitesides has discovered a new way to store data :

Quote: "We recently developed a method for storing information that doesn’t involve electronics but instead uses dyes. That was based on my sense that information storage is an extremely important area but consumes a lot of energy and is subject to hacking. I thought that if you could provide an alternative which didn’t use energy and was not subject to hacking, people would be very interested in finding applications for it. I have so far been wrong. Nobody has shown an appropriate level of interest".;


SCOTUS rules for N R A in First Amendment case:;


"Republican Party of Texas delegates voted Saturday on a platform that called for new laws to require the Bible to be taught in public schools and a constitutional amendment that would require statewide elected leaders to win the popular vote in a majority of Texas counties.

Other proposed planks of the 50-page platform included proclamations that “abortion is not healthcare it is homicide”; that gender-transition treatment for children is “child abuse”; calls to reverse recent name changes to military bases and “publicly honor the southern heroes”; support for declaring gold and silver as legal tender; and demands that the U.S. government disclose “all pertinent information and knowledge” of UFOs....

The platform also takes a step further some of the party’s previous calls for more Christianity in public life. The 2022 platform proclaimed that the United States was “founded on Judeo-Christian principles,” for instance, and demanded the repeal of federal prohibitions on political activity by churches. The 2024 platform goes significantly further: It urges lawmakers and the State Board of Education to “require instruction on the Bible, servant leadership and Christian self-governance,” and supports the use of religious chaplains in schools — which was made legal under a law passed by the state Legislature last year.";


The public is right: Biden policies are harmful to families in U S :;


You all can contact me via email at if you have no intentions to harm me.

I, Gloria Poole,RN,artist, writer, blogger, Christian, unmarried [twice divorced] ,U S citizen, ENGLISH speaking; posted this today 8Jun 2024; 4:48pm