Saturday, July 13, 2024

Gloria says #VoteProlife #EndAbortion #StopPremeditatedMurders of babies

I, Gloria Poole/ gloriapoole of Republic Missouri am a Registered Nurse for most of my life. I was licensed as Registered Nurse at age 21 in the state of Georgia. And I worked in acute care hospitals in a variety of settings for 26 (+) years mostly in the state of GA, where I was born.

I am telling you all viewers, readers, this because the federal election is coming up in 3 months time and it is critical to the continuation of these United States that the good people, i.e. those who believe in, worship and adhere to THE LIVING LORD, vote across the board for those candidates who acknowledge that humans are human from the moment of conception, and that they grow and develop in the womb continuously until they emerge according to GOD's appointed time, IF they are not purposely murdered by cold-hearted mercenary fake health care providers and selfish, ungodly evil women who GOD was trying to redeem with the gift of a baby. And vote into office those candidates who vow to end the premeditated murders of human babies

I intend that to be controversial. Because "playing nice" is not ending the premediated murders of human babies in the womb. I thought about this topic a lot and I pray about it, and I study The Holy Bible for GOD's words on it. The reality is that there are 60 million sterile women in the U S according to vital statistics and Census records etc, and most of those were caused by abortions. Another fact is that the United States is depopulating quickly. The administrations that caved to wicked women started opening the borders to illegals to blur the statistics and conceal the fact that schools are dwindling because children are becoming a rarity in the United States. If you don't think so, read the so-called women's magazines and see that their ads are now for pet food and for clothes and toys for DOGS and CATS with no mention or reference to children. It doesn't require genius to comprehend the fact that any nation that does not reproduce the humans in it, ceases to exist. History books are full of the proof of that.

And one more thing: truly educated people who studied " hard sciences" know that human beings begin developing the instant the human male sperm enters the female egg and that they have human bodies, human hearts, human heartbeats and arms,legs, fingers, toes and that they respond to the mother's joy, excitement, movements and they suck their thumbs in the womb to comfort themselves.

Since humans in the womb are human it is NOT OK to plan to murder them nor to murder them. It is a SIN against GOD according to Exodus 20:13, KJV and it is a crime against humanity. [Genocide, infanticide on mass scale. ] More than 100 million human babies in the wombs of their mothers have been murdered since that heinous event of Roe v Wade. The Center for Disease Control that at one time required the reporting of abortions quit doing that when the false right to kill one's offspring was infamously pronounced as a "law" by 9 Justices some of which never had children. So the true statistic may be exponentially higher than what can be extrapolated from previous records. I am a firm believer that "The law" is the ten commandments of GOD and that no nation cannot defy GOD forever.

If the United States continues on its baby-killing spree then I think what happened to ancient Jerusalem in The Holy Bible will happen to the United States because GOD is not mocked according to Galatians 6:7, KJV. In the Bible account I am referencing King Herod ordered his military to kill all children 2 yrs old and younger. And the soldiers did that evil deed. And Jerusalem was warned to repent by prophets then; but they didn't repent and the wrath of GOD came upon them and they were totally destroyed. I do not pretend to be a prophet. I am not that. I read the Bible and I am sure the words there are meant as warnings of the behaviours GOD will not tolerate forever. Human sacrifice is one of those and that is precisely what abortion is.

I worked as RN in the Operating Room. There was never any situation in which a woman died because she was pregnant because C-sections have been done for the past hundred years or so. C-Section is abbreviation for medical terminology "Caesarian section" in which a pregnant woman who cannot deliver her baby because of cephalo-pelvic disproportion is delivered of her baby by a surgeon cutting across her uterus [making an open section], reaching in quickly, getting baby quickly and then stitching her back up. All the horror stories of the propaganda team of the baby-killers are lies, lies and more lies. They are intended to terrorize women. The reality is a healthy woman can deliver her baby all by herself probably 99% of the time. The uterine muscle tightens up and literally shoves that tiny baby through the birth canal and into the world. So don't be deceived by the disinformation of organizations that are mercenaries that kill innocent defenseless babies for pay. They have a conflict of interest--their pay check. LISTEN to godly people when you want advice. Psalms 1:1 says that too but in different words.

This post today is a continuing effort on my part to make a difference in the world using my RN license, my job experience and my writing skills. I am writing this from my own apartment in Republic Missouri . I have endured a cyber-attack on me in the past 10 days that damaged 4 smartphones of mine. I have endured physical assualts on me by my then-husband now exhusband since 2007, and I have been verbally attacked, and threatened and persecuted for being prolife. NEVERTHELESS SHE PERSISTED so the Senator from Massachusetts said though sadly not in the cause of ending baby mass murders.

Also, I heard on the country radio station a song that is truly wonderful of a man who is a daddy singing a lullaby to his baby girl in the womb as he watches her on 3D ultrasound. Some of the lyrics were:

"Heard your heartbeat

...Staring at the screen ...

learn from your mama...

Be a lady...

Baby Girl...

you can always run to daddy."

I do not know who sang it because the singer's name was not announced after it was played and I turned to that channel after song had begun. It's a truly beautiful song and I thank GOD it exists.

Also, I posted some medical photos of babies as they look in the human uterus and or in the amniotic sac separated from their mother, to a blog of mine at Scroll past my selfie that seems to have been glued to that blog and see the medical photos--educate yourselves on the "hard sciences" please.

Also, I have other blogs and each is different. Some include art I created, and some include words I wrote such as this post today. You may see them at,,,,,,,,

#Gloria ; #gloriapoole #gloria0817 #gpoole817 #endabortion #VoteProlife #StopPremeditatedMurders #art #photography #Nurses #farmers #watercolors #artists #writers #Bloggers #RepMO #RepublicMO #antiabortion #registerednurses #MoLeg @SCOTUS @DoJ @UGA

Thanks to the 469 viewers of this blog last month. I am aware that prolife writers/bloggers are squelched by so-called "social media" and I have persisted anyway. This is not a popularity contest and killing of babies is not a sport.

My hand written Copyright for #words, #art #paintings #sketches #drawings #poems I create.

Selfie Gloria Poole /gloriapoole/gloria0817/gpoole817/Poole.Gloria/"Ms Gloria Poole; [me] of and in Republic Missouri in my own apartment. So many of my selfies have been stolen in transit via uploads by criminal i.d. thieves that I am putting one from 2023 when I first moved to Republic MO in July 2023.

Written by me Gloria Poole/gloriapoole/gloria0817/gpoole817/Ms Gloria Poole/Poole,Gloria/ of Republic Missouri today 13 July 2024 at 3:44pm using my own euqipment [ computer, isp, router, and my own keyboard and skills and knowledge and in my own, not shared apartment. I am a twice-divorced white woman, and a U S citizen by birth. I cannot speak Spanish thogh some really stupid people think I should be able too because why? I was born in the United States? Figure that reasoning. I ONLY speak/read/write English. And yea, I am MAD that these United States has been worst then the worst country in The Bible or history books about the purposeful slaughter of GOD's innocent creations in the womb.