Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Ethnic series sketch of Egyptian PM , by Gloria Poole of Missouri

This is the ethnic series sketch of a real person [sort of] of the Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab that I saw in the BBC news. He is a "public figure" and so is considered all right to paint him or sketch him. I generally do not make exact images of anybody, and most of the time, the sketches or oil paintings I designate as #ethnicseries [ethnic series] are not real people but people I created with pencils, pens, inks or paints. Probably of the approximate 1000 art "works" I have created [for my own purposes] only about 20 of them are of real people. I watch the news for ethnic groups clearly identified and close up enough to discern clearly their features so I can draw from it, then paint it with an authentic looking "costume" that a native to that country/ region would wear. I have created hundreds of ethnic series sketches and about forty oil paintings for it also. You can see many of those on my Picasa albums at and also This is a quick sketch only that I drew in ink while sitting at my computer studying it on screen, and then painted it just as quickly in watercolors. A sketch is merely intended to make a quick impression of a person, or idea, or thing so it can be repainted into oils or acrylics later. A sketch is to a finished painting as a rough draft is to a final manuscript. Sketch:painting::rough draft: final manuscript

Below are some symbols that represent me Gloria Poole, RN artist also known as gloria0817 on web AND OTHER WAYS I WROTE MY NAME ON WEB FOR YEARS.

My signature I signed with digital ink and apply intermittently to blogs and sites of mine for this year 2015. I also sign my signature in paint or ink and sometimes pencils on art I create.

One of my photos of my dip pens, nibs, and mortar and pestle to grind pigments with for painting. I do that occasionally just to vary my techniques and to improve my skills in understanding what produces what colors.

This is one of my photos of my studio corner of my home office in Missouri. I have begun a new oil painting and I am letting the background dry in some before proceeding.

This is my left hand holding one of my crosses [necklace] as the Southern Baptist church shows them without any graven image of JESUS. I do not make nor worship no bow down to idols, or images of anybody,especially of GOD in Old Testament [Yahweh, Jehovah, Almighty GOD= names] or of JESUS the GODhead in the flesh of the New Testament in accordance with Exodus chapter 20 in the King James Holy Bible.

This is my photo of U S flag to remind all I am a US citizen by birth with all civil liberties including the first amendment.

This is a set of copyright notices that became needed when someone stole photos off my E5 camera while it was in my possession as always. They stole them via the servers of Tmobile and I wrote more about that on my blog post yesterday on

This is my copyright notice for this blog and all content of it from the get-go.

You should see another blog of mine at and the about me page on it and also these other blogs of mine that are each different and that cover different topics:; updated 13 Jan 2015 by me; as always; updated by me 2 Jan 2015 with ethnic series oil painting I painted "Viennese Violinist"P>; updated 22 Jan 2015 by me; as always; updated 14 Jan 2015 by me; as always; this site is down because I tweeted to Marissa Mayer CEO of Yahoo to ask her to make them take it down since they tried to steal my copyrights on art I created; updated by me [as always] on 16 Jan 2015; updated by me [as always] on 18 Jan 2015; updated 14 Jan 2015 by me; as always;updated 22 Jan 2015 by me; as always;updated 25 Jan 2015 by me; as always;updated 24 Jan 2015 by me [as always]; updated 24 Jan 2015 by me; as always; updated by me [as always] 26 Jan 2015 with "Red room musicians" oil painting I painted; updated 18 Jan 2015 by me; as usual; updated 27 Jan 2015 [as usual] by me; updated few days ago by me; as always is one of my public view albums on gloriapoole 27 Jan 2015 at 1:08pm

and other sites and blogs of mine as well.

Copyright notice: 21 Dec 2014 at 7:00am. this blog and all content, all words, all photos, all art is owned by me, created by me Gloria Poole, and copyrighted to me. I, Gloria Poole, RN, artist of Missouri and Georgia own all rights to this blog and to all content of it. It may not be transferred to anyone anywhere whether as a whole or individually, nor may it have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor may it be reprinted, republished, downloaded, copied, printed, screen captured by anyone, photo-copied, in its entirety without my express written permission on paper that I signed and had notarized and dated for a specific one time use. Also, see all previous posts and other blogs of mine for copyright and disclosure information that is relevant to art and photos I have created in the past and displayed publicly. I am also known on the web and in real life as Gloria and as "Gloria Poole,RN,artist of Missouri and Georgia" since Gloria Poole is my real, born with and legal name; and on the web as : gloriapoole; gloria-poole; gloria.poole; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapoole_RN; gloriapoole-paintings; gloria0817; gpoole817; artist; "G-L-O-R-I-A"; artist-gloria; photo-by-gloriapoole; cartooning-by-gloriapoole; "Gloria J" and other variations of my real name with or without numbers after my name and with or without abbreviations of my name; and with or without my professional designation as Registered Nurse. I am a white, Southern Baptist Christian, twice divorced woman who is the mother of two grown daughters named Jennifer and Leigh who are my only "children" and the grand-mother of 7 minor children. And I am also an artist in all mediums, writer, blogger, photographer, prolife activist, personhood promoter, publisher of sorts, website creator, educated U S citizen by birth in the state of Georgia.

Gloria Poole, at my own private apartment in Missouri, which is not shared with anyone; which means no one is authorized to log into any account of mine but me, on 28 Jan 2015 at 9:01am.