Thursday, October 14, 2021

More sketches by Gloria Poole,RN of Springfield Missouri

I, Gloria Poole, drew, painted with watercolor, signed, added year, photographed, uploaded this sketch. I named it "future of the world"because I think after all the A.I. robots destroy the world and the baby-killing machinery kills off the human race, when GOD starts anew there will be oxygen, glass made by heat of the sun from sand and green living trees that begin as a little sprig. Copyright. See notice below.

I, Gloria Poole, drew,painted w/ watercolor, signed,dated,photographed,uploaded this sketch and I copyright it See notice below.

Copyright Notice: I, Gloria Poole, a/k/a gloriapoole ,a/k/a gloria0817, a/k/a Gloria Poole,R.N., artist, Springfield Missouri, own all copyrights in US, EU, and UK law of/for all art I create or have ever created at any time in any place, with any brush/tool/medium/ink/graphics/pen/pencil/technique/style in any genre, and I reserve the right to sue at law anyone who steals my content or uses my name as if it was theirs, and who falsely represents themselves as being "partners", co-workers, associates, employees, employers or family member of mine.

I have also recently other blogs of mine with art or words I created, including these:; an online album of mine that I added new sketches too 2 nites ago;; my public health blog; my prolife news, political actions pending and events blog; my public service blog of family friendly entertainment around world;

and also other blogs. Each blog is unique since I create them myself one by one at different times for different reasons.

I have this question for the pro-deathers: why do you publish propaganda implying that people who oppose the killing of human beings in the womb, are quote " uneducated"? MOST bona-fide medical doctors and registered nurses know that babies in the womb of a human woman are human from the moment of fertilization since fertilization requires a human egg from the human woman and the human spermatozoa from a human man. There is no stretch of imagination in which medical doctors and or registered nurses could be labeled " uneducated" since they have to study hard sciences such as anatomy and physiology; biology, chemistry, drugs and solutions; obstetrics; human development; operating room sterile techniques and assisting; neurology; etc etc etc, for years. In reality of my prolife experience in real world, the women most likely to be railroaded into abortion by immoral, unscrupulous persons are the uneducated who believe the so-called news. Those who have even a smidgen of information technology skills know the internet is used to manipulate/alter/falsify the facts to create what Pres Trump labeled "fake news". Propaganda techniques were not begun in 21st century but existed 2021 years ago even in Jesus' time on earth when the Sanhedrin used propaganda to crucify Him, [but he rose from the dead on the 3rd day thus defeating them ince and for all].

I, Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist, author, cartoonist,writer, photographer on occasion, mother of 2 grown daughters, white, christian, twice-divorced,woman, U.S. citizen by birth posted this today 14 Oct 2021 at at 8:15am, from my own private apartment in Springfield Missouri, using my own equipment and the wired internet that comes into my apartment,